Yotsubato! Volume One
Reading Pack
About the Reading Pack:
The goal of this reading pack is to help you take the first step in reading Japanese. Reading manga is an amazing way to combine having fun and learning Japanese, and Yotsubato! is such a simple and enjoyable story that it's the subject of this first reading pack.
After using this reading pack and getting a taste of the pure joy that it is to learn how to read in Japanese, you'll find the inspiration and motivation to keep reading and tackle other titles.
Is this reading pack for me?
In order to make use of the pack you need to be able to read at least hiragana (check this page if you haven't learned the hiragana). The more vocabulary you already know, the better. A tool to help you with grammar is also a huge bonus, so check out Tae Kim's Guide to Japanese Grammar if you have not done so already.
With the reading pack, the Yotsubato! manga should be at beginner level in terms of reading difficulty. That is not to say that it will be easy, but that it is possible for a beginner to read it. This is all a building exercise. The more you read, the more you will know. Aiming for perfection in your first read-through will only leave you disappointed - aim for improvement instead.
Here's a list of what is included in the pack:
Sixty-six pages of vocabulary list! The vocabulary for each page of the manga compiled to form the ultimate reading companion.
Vocabulary and sentence lists provided in PDF, text, and
spreadsheet formats.
Vocabulary and sentence lists provided in PDF, text, and
- Over 1200 vocabulary cards plus 31 sentences pre-loaded into Anki decks.
- A short instruction manual to help you get the most out of the reading pack.
The Vocabulary List:
The vocabulary list's purpose is to make reading easy. You won't need to look words up in a dictionary because it's already been done for you. The vocabulary list is a whopping sixty-six pages long, with each word of each page listed for convenient reference. It's organized according to the manga page number, so it's extremely easy to find what you need.

The Sentences:
Just like the vocabulary list, each sentence included in the reading pack is from the manga. These are solid sentences that will really help you with both grammar and vocabulary. Just load the sentences into Anki after you've had some time to learn the vocabulary to get additional exposure to the language.

Anki Decks:
All of the sentences and vocabulary for the first volume of the manga have been pre-loaded into Anki decks, so all you have to do is import. There are more than 1200 cards in total! By combining these decks with the vocabulary reference list, you'll not only be able to read the manga, but learn and remember all of the words that you encounter along the way.
How to buy the reading pack:
This reading pack was originally offered in a name-your-own-price system that allowed you to pay any amount (including nothing at all), but is now shifting to a fixed price of $10.00. However, you can still receive this reading pack completely for free if you so choose.
I would greatly appreciate it if you would purchase the Yotsubato! Volume One Reading Pack for $10.00, and you can click the Add to Cart button below to do so.

If for whatever reason you're unable to purchase for $10.00, then use the link below to get the reading pack for free. If you get it for free, please smile at a stranger, pet a puppy, or do something else to "pay it forward."

Note: Files come in both document and PDF formats, packaged inside of a RAR file.
To open the RAR, you may need to download WinRAR (you can google or try this download).
Don't own the Yotsubato! manga?
In order to use this reading pack, you need the manga. It's a very popular series and can be found at almost any retailer that carries Japanese books, but here are links to a couple stores that have it in stock.
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